Dutch beat French and Swiss to top Oxfam's ranking of best countries to eat


OXFORD — The Netherlands is No. 1 country in the world for having the most plentiful, nutritious, healthy and affordable diet, beating France and Switzerland into second place. Chad is last, ranking 125th behind Ethiopia and Angola, according to a new food index from international relief and development organization Oxfam.

The United States ties for 21st with Japan in spite of having the most affordable food on the planet and a high rank on food quality. Extreme levels of obesity and diabetes leave the US 120th out of 125 countries when it comes to healthy eating.

“Having sufficient healthy and affordable food is not something that much of the world enjoys,” said Raymond C. Offenheiser, President of Oxfam America. “Across the globe, particularly in developing countries, far too many people are consuming more and more unhealthy food. Paradoxically, more than 800 million people cannot get enough nutritious food to eat. Governments and the food industry are failing to ensure that everyone is able to eat healthfully, despite there being more than enough food to go around.”

European countries occupy the entire top 20 with Australia tied in 8th place. African countries occupy the bottom 30 places in the table except for four—Laos, Bangladesh, Pakistan and India are there too.

Oxfam’s “Good Enough to Eat” index compares 125 countries where full data is available to create a snapshot of the different challenges people face in getting food. Oxfam’s GROW campaign is calling for urgent reform to the way food is produced and distributed around the world to end the scandal of one in eight people going hungry despite there being more than enough to feed everyone. The new index looks at whether people have enough to eat, food quality, affordability, and dietary health.

On affordability, the UK is among the worst performers in Western Europe, sharing 20th position with Cyprus. Food in Guinea, The Gambia, Chad and Iran costs people two-and-a-half times more than other consumer goods, making those the most expensive countries for citizens to buy food. Angola and Zimbabwe suffer from the most volatile food prices, researchers found.

The countries whose citizens struggle for enough food, with the worst rates of malnourishment and underweight children, are Burundi, Yemen, Madagascar and India. On the other side of the table, Cambodia and Burundi are countries that score better by having among the lowest levels of obesity and diabetes in the world, while US, Mexico, Fiji, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia score most poorly with high rates of obesity and diabetes.

Iceland scores a perfect mark for the quality of its food, in terms of nutritional diversity and safe water. Iceland’s obesity and diabetes levels push it down the table, to 13th spot.

Oxfam is working worldwide to provide long-term solutions that will help people grow enough food to eat and make a living. In Chad, Oxfam is helping farmers grow and diversify more crops, providing veterinary training to help ensure cattle are stronger and are helping to build more food storage, so that people are better prepared with the next drought conditions.

“Poverty and inequality are the real drivers of hunger,” said Offenheiser. “That is why Oxfam’s GROW campaign is pushing governments and the food industry for more investment in small-holder agriculture and better infrastructure to boost crop production, prevent waste and improve access to markets.”

The campaign engages supporters to seek an end to biofuels mandates, which are diverting food from hungry people to fuel tanks, action to tackle climate change, better regulation of food commodities markets to prevent food price hikes and improved land rights so people do not lose the land they rely upon to grow food.

Got to www.oxfamamerica.org/grow to get involved.


See the report at: http://www.oxfamamerica.org/publications/good-enough-to-eat

Review the data at: http://www.oxfamamerica.org/publications/good-enough-to-eat-full-data

The rankings are visualized in full at: http://www.oxfam.org.uk/what-we-do/good-enough-to-eat

The index looks at four core concerns for consumers around the world, using two measures to help assess the challenges:

  1. Do people have enough to eat? — Measured by levels of undernourishment and underweight children
  2. Can people afford to eat? — Measured by food price levels compared to other goods and services and food price volatility
  3. Is food of good quality? — Measured by diet diversification and access to clean and safe water
  4. What are the health outcomes of people’s diet? — Measured by diabetes and obesity.

Eight established global data sources were identified that capture aspects of the food market relevant for this index. All figures are the most recently available global data sources from internationally recognised organisations—The Food and Agriculture Organisation, The World Health Organisation and the International Labour Organisation. To create a globally comparable index, the sources have global coverage, scoring between 134 and 200 countries and territories.

Each of the sources used different scales in measuring the countries, requiring a process to standardise them so that they could be compared. The standard MIN / MAX rescaling method was used, generating re-scaled values of 0-100 where 0 points is the minimum score (best) and 100 points is the maximum score (worst). The process is based on identifying the countries with the minimum and maximum scores in the original data, scoring them 0 and 100 respectively and then measuring how far every other country is from these maximum and minimum values.

All countries with data for each measure were included in the re-scaling process to ensure that the final result was a globally comparable one. However, only the countries that had data for all eight measures were included in the final index, with one exception. For most developed countries, there is no data available for the underweight children measure. For those countries that achieved the minimum score for the undernourishment measure they were assumed to also be amongst the best in the world for measures for underweight children. The Good Enough To Eat database therefore includes 125 countries. That some of the measures do not include minimum or maximum scores illustrates that there are countries that are better or worse but are not included in the index because they do not have data available for the other measures. Raw data of all countries is available.

Good Enough to Eat Table – the best and worst

Core Questions and Measures

Best Country

Worst Country

Good Enough to Eat (Combined Scores)

The Netherlands (6)

Chad (50)

1.Enough to Eat

Multiple countries (28 score 0)

Burundi (89)


Multiple (62 countries score 0)

Burundi (100)

Underweight Children

Multiple (28 countries score 0)

India (96)

2.Afford to Eat

USA (6)

Angola (90)

Food Price Level (relative to other goods and services)

The Netherlands (6)

Guinea (100)

Food Price Inflation Volatility

Japan, Canada and the US (1)

Angola and Zimbabwe (100)^

3.Food Quality

Iceland (0)

Madagascar (86)

Diet Diversification

Iceland (0)

Bangladesh and Lesotho (98)

Access to Clean and Safe Water

Multiple (32 countries score 0)

Mozambique (75)

4.Unhealthy Eating

Cambodia (1)

Saudi Arabia (54)


Cambodia (0)

Saudi Arabia (61)


Bangladesh, Nepal and Ethiopia (0)

Kuwait (58)

Sources used:

Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO): www.fao.org/economic/ess/essfs/ess-fadata/en
World Health Organisation: www.fao.org/economic/ess/essfs/ess-fadata/en and http://apps.who.int/gho/data/view.main

International Labour Organisation (ILO): http://laborsta.ilo.org/STP/guest

Press contact

For more information, contact:

Ben Grossman-Cohen
Director, Campaigns
Washington, DC
Cell: (202) 629-6018
Email: [email protected]

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