Billionaires’ fortunes are growing at an unimaginable pace. In 2024, billionaire wealth surged at triple the rate of 2023, and new Oxfam data shows we can expect at least 5 trillionaires within a decade. Meanwhile, the number of people experiencing poverty remains essentially unchanged from 1990.
This growing inequality is no accident. For too long, corporations and an ultra-wealthy few have rigged the system at the expense of ordinary working families, extracting endless wealth, resources, and labor—especially from the Global South—and deepening a cycle of exploitation and inequality. And now, in the United States, we have a president of and for billionaires. President Trump is poised to use his power over the world’s largest economy to slash taxes for the ultra-rich and mega-corporations—fanning the flames of already-extraordinary levels of inequality in the U.S. and globally.
Oxfam’s new report, “Takers, Not Makers,” illustrates how our current economic system is designed to benefit the ultra-rich few, while the rest of us struggle. We refuse to sit back and let this happen. We can build an economy that works for everyone around the world.