Volunteer at concerts
We believe music can change the world. Do you? If so, it’s time to make some noise. Join our network of Oxfam volunteers and spread the word at concerts in your community.
At concerts, festivals and other eventsThe earthquake has caused massive devastation, impacting countless lives.
Oxfam's supporters in the music industry including musicians, labels, managers, and media amplify our efforts to end the injustice of poverty and help spread the word to millions of fans.
We believe music can change the world. Do you? If so, it’s time to make some noise. Join our network of Oxfam volunteers and spread the word at concerts in your community.
At concerts, festivals and other eventsSearch model: articles | Story, articles | Immersive story, articles | News update, articles | Legacy story, articles | Legacy news update, articles | Legacy immersive, articles | Legacy policy update, blog | blog post, blog | legacy blog post
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Oxfam's musician friends and staff share the music that kept us feeling hopeful this year. Check our Spotify playlist of Songs That Made Us Press Play in 2021.
Oxfam staff recommendations of feminist artists, scholars, and creators
Shop more sustainably with Oxfam’s Regift Revolution
Spread the word
Help us build a global movement for change.