Ethics violations, fraud, or other complaints

If you are an Oxfam America employee, intern, board member, partner, local community member, or donor and have knowledge of a violation of our code of conduct, finance policies, or HR policies, we strongly encourage you to submit a report.

Confidentially Report Misconduct

At Oxfam, it is vital that everyone who works for us maintains the highest standards of conduct, integrity, and ethics, and complies with local legislation.

If an employee, intern, board member, partner, organization, local community member, or donor suspects misconduct has, or is about to occur, we encourage them to communicate their suspicions without fear of reprisal and in the knowledge that they will be protected from victimization and/or dismissal.

All reports are confidential, and we will only share the details with the appropriate team members to progress your complaint. Reporters, survivors, and complainants can choose to stay anonymous throughout the process. Be advised if insufficient information is provided this may affect our capacity to investigate the matter.

You can report misconduct on our webform below or by email at [email protected]