
Economic Justice and Equal Rights

Decent work and paying your fair share are hallmarks of a healthy society. In the US and around the world, essential workers fuel our economies and ensure we have what we need to thrive. But massive corporations as well as wealthy people and governments hold too much power at the expense of everyone else. The result: poverty wages, dangerous working conditions, and tax rules that let the privileged few off the hook. They prosper while the rest of us compete for an ever-shrinking slice of the pie. The impact of COVID-19 has both illuminated these challenges—and made them worse.

With your help, we advocate for more equal economies, workers’ rights, corporate accountability, and debt relief for low-income countries, as well as investments in health care and education for all in the US and globally. We expose corporate abuses of power and practices that put workers at risk, illuminating the discrimination facing immigrants, refugees, people of color, and women. We also push the world’s largest companies to pay their workers a living wage and to pay their fair share of taxes to help fund schools and health care.

Through partnerships with local Black and immigrant rights groups in the US, we bring low-wage workers—including health care workers, poultry workers, and childcare providers—to talk directly with their elected officials so they have more say over the policies that affect their lives. We also call on US policymakers to strengthen federal protections for these workers, including raising the minimum wage, providing workplace safety requirements, and advocating for paid family and medical leave, paid sick days, and affordable childcare.


US workers’ rights

For decades, workers in the US have been fighting for their rights, demanding real change, and struggling to stay afloat. That’s just not right. Workers deserve to be heard and treated fairly by their employers, and their rights to organize must be protected. We’re fighting for the expansion and protection of workers’ rights by amplifying the voices of low-wage workers, holding corporations accountable, standing in solidarity with unions and allies, and advocating for transformative legislation at all levels.

Our agenda for working families
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