Past emergencies


Hunger and famine crises

In 2017, several countries in Africa plus Yemen were on the verge of (and in some areas actually experiencing) famine, due to conflict, chronic drought, and weak governance that displaced families and made it difficult for them to grow, pay for, or find food. Oxfam is continuing to work in these areas and reduce the vulnerability of the poorest people most at risk to severe hunger and famine.

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Hurricane Maria

Oxfam worked with local partners who were on the front lines of the emergency, moving into long-term recovery efforts to rebuild fragile infrastructure and strengthen community resources for the most vulnerable.

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Food crisis in the Sahel

The food crisis that ravaged Africa’s western Sahel region throughout 2012 finally eased for many families when a new harvest came in. During a 16-month intervention, Oxfam helped 1.3 million people with a range of support including access to food and clean water. Now, building resilience to future weather-related crises is the priority.

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2011 El Salvador floods

Intense rains that fell in October 2011 triggered heavy floods in El Salvador, putting to the test Oxfam’s program to strengthen the capacity of Salvadoran partners to respond to emergencies.

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Food crisis in East Africa

The food crisis that hit East Africa in the middle of 2011 affected 13 million people and in Somalia triggered the first famine of the 21st century. Providing access to food and water were central to Oxfam’s response, which reached nearly three million people.

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Conflict in DRC

For decades, ethnic tensions and disputes over land and resources have forced countless people from their homes in the eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Oxfam builds and repairs of water systems in communities that host displaced people and we advocate for people’s right to be protected from violence and exploitation.

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Philippines Typhoon

As Filipinos work to recover from record-breaking Typhoon Haiyan, Oxfam has helped hundreds of thousands of survivors. Now, we are turning our attention to long-term recovery and rehabilitation.

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Haiti emergencies

A massive earthquake in 2010 and the introduction of cholera soon after have compounded the challenges Haiti faces in fighting widespread poverty. Oxfam responded to both emergencies and is now working with Haitians on longer-term development while promoting sustainable change.

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Saving lives 24/7

Some disasters can’t be prevented—or imagined in advance. But as soon as they strike, Oxfam needs to be ready to respond. Lives depend on it.

Your gift to Oxfam’s Saving Lives 24/7 Fund will go directly toward our emergency work, present and future, so that when crises erupt, we're ready to spring into action.