Eat for Good


Oxfam’s guide to shopping and eating sustainably.

COVID-19 is the last straw for millions of people already struggling with the impacts of conflict, climate change, inequality and a broken food system that has impoverished millions of food producers and workers. Our consumer decisions are powerful. Changes in how we buy, cook, and eat can make a big difference, for people all over the world.

Try these five simple tips next time you go grocery shopping or cook a meal.


Save food

Planning your meals, as well as saving and reusing leftovers conserves resources. Give yourself permission to “half-way cook” and embrace the power of ramen.

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Shop seasonal

Growing food in the wrong places and wrong time wastes energy. Find out what’s growing seasonally and incorporate those into this black-eyed pea stew.

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Eat less meat

Growing vegetables and legumes, like lentils, require far less water and land than raising animals. This lentil salad includes earthy herbs, crunchy jicama, and tahini citrus dressing.

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Support farmers and food producers

Only a small percent of what we spend on food reaches the people who farmed and produced it. You can help by purchasing groceries—such as the eggs in this breakfast pita recipe—from small-scale workers.

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Cook smart

Reduce water waste and energy when you’re cooking by making this satisfying heirloom tomato and turmeric yogurt salad.

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Bowl full of chillis on dry leafs

More recipes

Get inspired with more recipes from our favorite chefs including skillet chilaquiles from Mary Sue Milliken and Susan Feniger, chickpea rice pilaf from Aarti Sequeira, one-pot kale and tomato stew from Amanda Freitag, and a versatile winter salad from Susie Middleton.

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