Chris Jochnick

Director of Private Sector Department

Chris Jochnick leads Oxfam America’s work on business and development including shareholder engagement, value chain assessments, and collaborative advocacy initiatives. He has initiated a variety of innovative partnerships with Fortune 500 corporations.

Chris Jochnick leads Oxfam America’s work on business and development including shareholder engagement, value chain assessments, and collaborative advocacy initiatives. He has initiated a variety of innovative partnerships with Fortune 500 corporations.

Jochnick is the co-founder and former director of two nonprofit organizations devoted to economic and social rights. He has worked for more than 18 years on issues of human rights and corporate accountability, including seven years in Latin America supporting grassroots campaigns around extractive industries, sovereign debt, and trade agreements. Prior to joining Oxfam, Jochnick worked as a corporate attorney with the Wall Street law firm of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, where he advised companies on environmental and social responsibilities.

He is a graduate of Harvard Law School and a former fellow of the Echoing Green and MacArthur foundations. He teaches a class in business and human rights at Harvard Law School. Jochnick has been interviewed for NPR, The New York Times, and various trade publications.