Divya Kumaraiah

Director, Airbnb

DK March 2023 updated

[Divya Kumaraiah is currently on hiatus from the Oxfam America board from July-November 2024]

For the past 16 years, Divya Kumaraiah has built a career at the intersection of technology, government, and organizing, focusing on increasing access to opportunity. Currently, Divya is a Director at Airbnb leading a 50-person team responsible for complying with global home sharing regulations. Her team also builds products for governments to understand and regulate home sharing in their communities.

Previously, Divya worked in healthcare leading community development, marketing, and communications at PatientPing (acquired by Appriss Health), a care coordination company. Divya started her career in government as a field organizer on the 2008 Obama campaign. She went on to serve in the Obama Administration in the Office of Management and Budget and in the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation. Most recently, Divya was a member of the Biden-Harris Transition's Agency Review Team.

Divya earned her MBA at Harvard Business School, MPP at Harvard Kennedy School, and her AB at Brown University. She was previously a Fellow at the Beeck Center for Social Impact and Innovation at Georgetown University, and a Coro Fellow in Public Affairs in New York City.