Jim Daniell

Chief Operating Officer

"Oxfam appeals to both my heart and my head. Our passion for ending the injustice of poverty feeds my moral and spiritual core, while our use of sophisticated and nuanced approaches resonates deeply with my business-oriented brain."

"Oxfam appeals to both my heart and my head. Our passion for ending the injustice of poverty feeds my moral and spiritual core, while our use of sophisticated and nuanced approaches resonates deeply with my business-oriented brain."

Jim joined Oxfam America as COO in 2009 to help Ray Offenheiser realize his vision for a next generation NGO. Since then, his background in global strategy, scale operations, and the flexibility of start-up companies has been put to good use in support of Oxfam’s global mission as he oversees all of the agency’s global staff and operations.

Jim has been a proud technology geek with a fascination for startup businesses since an early age. After earning a Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. in technology over a six-year period, he spent the next eight years in technology and telecommunications companies focused on strategy and business development. Supported by superb mentors, including industry legends Roel Pieper and John Petrillo, Jim was able to work at the highest levels of the technology industry. After completing many large, global projects involving billions of dollars and tens of thousands of staff, in 1997 he returned to Boston and his start-up roots. Since 1997, Jim has been the CEO of multiple start-up companies, he co-founded CommonAngels angel investment group, and continues to serve on the Board of the Mass Technology Leadership Council, the Museum of Science, and NetHope.