
Accountability through Active Citizenship: Improving Petroleum Governance in Ghana, Mozambique and Tanzania Baseline Reports

A baseline evaluation of the NORAD program objectives

The objective of the baseline surveys are to analyze and document the situation around accountability, transparency and governance of the oil and gas sector in Ghana, Mozambique and Tanzania prior to the implementation of the Oxfam program. Each country study focuses on a selected group of indicators chosen for the country program logical framework. The NORAD-funded program aims to contribute towards an active society that promotes economically, environmentally and socially responsible management of oil and gas (O&G) resources based on transparency and accountability for sustainable development and poverty reduction, while safeguarding the needs of future generations.


In all three countries, program design is based on the premise that good governance of O&G revenues relies on the active and informed participation of all stakeholder groups including communities, civil society organizations and the media. Furthermore, it is founded on the recognition that participation is only possible by redressing the power imbalance resulting from unequal access to information, poor awareness of governance and decision-making processes and right, and structural weaknesses in the media. 



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