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  1. Briefing paper

    The State of DRM

    "DRM" has become an amorphous acronym that is part of nearly every development discussion. In the broadest context, DRM means "Domestic Resource Mobilization" and generally refers to the public and private resources in a country that can be used to finance development. Due to the increasing attention on DRM in the development community, this background note explores what DRM is, what's driving interest in it, and key questions around how DRM programs are implemented in the developing world.

  2. Briefing paper

    ‘I Still Don’t Feel Safe to Go Home’: Voices of Rohingya refugees

    Since 25 August, more than 626,000 Rohingya have reached Bangladesh from Myanmar. Rohingya women and men have told Oxfam devastating stories of killings, rape and sexual violence.

    This report is an opportunity for some of them to share their stories, hopes, and their experiences of living in overcrowded refugee camps with overflowing latrines and contaminated water.

    Heavy rains and the cyclone season in 2018 threaten to bring new disaster and increase the risk of cholera. And irrespective of the recent bilateral agreement between Myanmar and Bangladesh, most Rohingya are terrified of returning to Myanmar while the discrimination that drove them away is unchanged.

  3. Briefing paper

    Yemen’s crisis: 1,000 days of disaster

    Western governments will be complicit in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis if they do not act now, as 1,000 days of war continue to push the country towards an apocalyptic situation.

  4. Briefing paper

    Uprooted by Climate Change: Responding to the growing risk of displacement

    Climate change is already forcing people from their land and homes, and putting many more at risk of displacement in the future.

  5. Briefing paper

    High Priced Medicines and Lack of Needs-Driven Innovation: A Global Crisis That Fuels Inequality

    New opportunities and challenges one year after the landmark Report of the UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines

  6. Briefing paper

    Pathways to deforestation-free food

    Developing supply chains free of deforestation and exploitation in the food and beverage sector

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