
  1. Briefing paper

    Sector Profile: Extractives

    While the extractives sector drives inequality through all four pillars, its impact is felt most through the Planet, Profits and Power pillars.

  2. Briefing paper

    Company Profile: Walmart

    Walmart’s performance is diffused among three pillars – People, Profits, Power – from which it attempts to distract via better stewardship of the planet.

  3. Briefing paper

    Company Profile: Cargill

    As one of US’ largest privately held companies (by revenue), Cargill fuels inequality primarily through Profits, People, and Power.

  4. Briefing paper

    Company Profile: ConocoPhillips

    ConocoPhillips drives inequality through its Planet and Power driven by its poor environmental stewardship and activities to influence emissions and extraction policies.

  5. Briefing paper

    Company Profile: Pfizer

    Pfizer drives inequality mainly through Power and Profits, leveraging heavy-handed political activities as well as profit ratios favoring the chief executive at the expense of the many workers that generate the company’s value.

  6. Briefing paper

    Company Profile: Amazon

    Amazon’s policies should position it as an industry leader on a variety of inequality metrics, though from publicly available data, it is evident that the company’s business practices drive inequality across all four pillars – People, Power, Profits, and Planet.

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