
  1. Briefing paper

    Freedom defender: Sorn Ramana

    A civil society leader fights for basic rights like free speech and access to the internet in Cambodia.

  2. Briefing paper

    Secure Insecurity

    The continuing abuse of civilians in eastern DRC as the state extends its control.

  3. Briefing paper

    Ebola is still here

    Voices from Liberia and Sierra Leone on response and recovery

  4. Briefing paper

    Hanging by a Thread: The ongoing threat to Somalia’s remittance lifeline

    Every year, Somalia receives approximately $1.3bn in remittances – money sent from the Somali diaspora to loved ones back home. Remittances account for between 25 and 45 percent of Somalia’s economy and exceed the amount it receives in humanitarian aid, development aid and foreign direct investment combined. As Somali money transfer operators lose their bank accounts, Somali families are losing their only formal or transparent channel through which to send money. Somalia needs longterm support to build sustainable financial institutions as well as urgent help to maintain its current remittance flows.

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  5. Briefing paper

    Wealth: Having it all and wanting more

    Global wealth is increasingly being concentrated in the hands of a small wealthy elite.

  6. Briefing paper

    Ebola and the private sector

    Bolstering the response and West African economies.

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