
  1. Briefing paper

    Philippines Typhoon: Three months on

    An emergency update on Oxfam's response work in the Philippines, three months after Typhoon Haiyan struck.

  2. Briefing paper

    Race to the top: One year of looking Behind the Brands

    The ten biggest food and beverage companies in the world are slowly waking up to their responsibilities to help tackle some immense challenges facing the global food system.

  3. Briefing paper

    Rebuilding fishing communities and fisheries

    Post-Haiyan reconstruction in the Philippines

  4. Briefing paper

    Rebuilding better for coconut farmers

    Post-Haiyan reconstruction in the Philippines

  5. Briefing paper

    In The Balance: Searching for protection in eastern DRC

    As 2014 starts, there are reasons to hope that peace may be in sight in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). National initiatives and committed regional and international political engagement in 2013 led to important advances and new framework agreements to resolve the conflict and insecurity.

  6. Briefing paper

    Working for the few

    Political capture and economic inequality

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