
  1. Briefing paper

    Now More Than Ever: Climate talks work for those who need them most

    The world’s governments are gathering in Cancun, Mexico, for the next round of global climate negotiations amid much apathy and disenchantment with the process.

  2. Briefing paper

    Nowhere to Turn

    The Failure to Protect Civilians in Afghanistan

  3. Briefing paper

    Case Study: Bolivian Government Consultation with the Guaraní Indigenous Peoples of Charagua Norte and Isoso

    Proposed hydrocarbons exploration project in San Isidro Block Santa Cruz, Bolivia

  4. Briefing paper

    Change not Charity

    Essays on Oxfam America’s first 40 years.

    Change not Charity.JPG
  5. Briefing paper

    The Making of a Seoul Development Connection

    When the G20 meets in Seoul in November 2010, it has a big choice to make. It can either retreat into a narrow focus on its own interests, or it can prove it is capable of genuine global leadership in the face of the interlinked economic, food, and climate change crises.

  6. Briefing paper

    Righting two wrongs

    Making a new Global Climate Fund work for poor people

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