
  1. Briefing paper

    "D" is for Different: Why diplomacy and development are not the same, and why it matters

    AidNow series

  2. Briefing paper

    What Happened at the G20?

    Initial analysis of the London summit

  3. Briefing paper

    Meeting humanitarian needs on the Kenya border with Somalia

    1.3 million Somalis are currently displaced and 3.5 million are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance, a 77 percent increase since January 2008. However the impact of the crisis inside Somalia on humanitarian needs elsewhere in the region, particularly Kenya, has received much less attention from regional governments, donors and the media. Kenya has been the host to the largest concentration of Somali refugees in the world for almost two decades. The three Dadaab camps- Ifo, Hagadera and Dagahaley- were built in Northeastern Province in 1991 to host 90,000 refugees. Long lacking adequate resources and international attention, Dadaab is currently one of the world’s oldest, largest and most congested refugee sites. The camp population has exploded along with the conflict in Somalia and now stands at close to 250,000 with over 60,000 new arrivals in 2008 alone, mostly from the conflict-affected areas of Mogadishu and Lower Juba.

  4. Briefing paper

    Mining conflicts in Peru: Condition critical

    The Peruvian government, the mining industry, international donors and civil society must act quickly to help the country break the current cycle of conflict and ensure that mining helps reduce poverty and contributes to Peru’s development.

  5. Briefing paper

    Ten Point Plan to Change Course in Afghanistan

    Oxfam America's memo to President Obama

  6. Briefing paper

    A Billion Hungry People

    Governments and aid agencies must rise to the challenge

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