
Enough for Everyone

Oxfam America's five-point plan to respond to the emerging food crisis and reduce food insecurity around the world.

Right now the power to overcome the failures of our food system sits neither with the billion-plus farmers who produce food nor the billions of consumers who eat it. Instead, companies and governments set policies Oxfam America’s five-point plan to respond to the emerging food crisis and reduce food insecurity around the world and control markets—and they often determine who eats and who doesn’t. We must all work to deliver a future in which everyone has enough healthy food to eat. But the most powerful actors—President Obama, the US Congress and US companies—must take urgent action to begin to build a better food system today.

This plan alone won’t end hunger. But by taking immediate action on these priorities, President Obama, Congress, and companies can ensure greater economic prosperity and national security, a better life for poor farmers, and a more stable food supply for everyone for generations to come.



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Tools for activists