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Evaluation of Farmer-Led Agricultural Innovation for Resilience 2010-2012

A report outlining the findings from the external evaluation of the Farmer-Led Agricultural Innovation for Resilience program in Oxfam America's East Asia Region.

The Farmer-Led Agricultural Innovation for Resilience (FLAIR) program was launched in Vietnam and Cambodia by OA EARO in 2010, building on the earlier Food and Income Security (FIS) and on the later program on Livelihood and Income Security (LIS). The program focuses its efforts on men and women small scale rice farmers in Cambodia and Vietnam. It aims to ensure that women are seen as key agents of change in rural communities.

This report represents the findings of the external evaluation comissioned by Oxfam America to assess the program's progress to its intended outcomes, more specifially, to evaluate the implementation of the first phase of the program. Overall, FLAIR exhibits tremendous success in disseminating the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) to smallholder farmers in Vietnam and Cambodia. This is however toned down by difficulties in implementing program components related to “soft” issues, such as innovation capacity building, gender issues and policy influencing. The report gives a snapshot of the program in 2013 as well as offers recommendations and next steps.



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