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Evaluation of the Water Program in Ethiopia

Evaluation of the first phase of Oxfam's Water Program in Ethiopia (2010-2013)

Oxfam’s water program in Ethiopia has been designed to ensure equitable access, sustainable use, and effective management of water resources mainly for production purpose in three regions: Oromia, Tigray, and Amhara, over a ten year period starting in 2010.  The evaluation of the first phase (2010 – 2013) aimed at assessing the progress of the program towards key outcome areas in relation to the long-term vision of impact and explore emerging opportunities what will help inform the program's future strategy.  The evaluation methodology included both qualitative and quantiative data colletion and analysis from primary and secondary sources.  The major finding support the program alignment to the government's irrigation policies and the needs of the community.  The evalution report shares the findings of the evaluation under the followign headings: Porgram relevance, effectiveness, efficincy, gender-relevance, sustainability, as well as offers an assessment of the program's theory of change.

The evaluation is based on, and takes into account, the findings from the Policy Analysis of Water for Productive Use Among Smallholder Irrigators in Ethiopia



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