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  1. Evaluation

    Documenting the R4 Global Partnership in Ethiopia and Senegal

    Successes and Challenges

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  2. Evaluation

    Six Country Evaluation of Oxfam America's Strenghtening Community Preparedness, Rapid Response and Recovery in Asia/Pacific Islands and Central America

    Final Evaluation of Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness projects (2017-2020) in the communities of the Philippines, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala.

    Mangrove reforestation in Eastern Samar, Philippines
  3. Evaluation

    Top Tips for Partnerships that Enable Local Humanitarian Leadership

    Oxfam aims to transform the humanitarian system, by promoting and strengthening effective and accountable local leadership of humanitarian responses, where this is appropriate and viable. We recognize that we must challenge and transform ourselves, redefining and deepening our partnerships, and learning to more effectively support local humanitarian actors and leaders. This resource outlines how Oxfam can embed LHL commitments in humanitarian programming, advocacy and responses, drawing from examples of good practice and recent research.

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  4. Evaluation

    The Power of Local Action: an Oxfam Learning Compendium on Local Humanitarian Leadership

    The Power of Local Action is an Oxfam learning compendium on local humanitarian leadership (LHL) that arose out of learning events and global meetings held in 2019 in Nairobi, Mexico City, Jakarta and Istanbul, and draws from the recommendations of partners and Oxfam staff as well as more recent research. The aim is to provide, for the first time, a comprehensive reference on positive LHL practices and ideas for change that are in line with Oxfam's commitments and values. There were over 50 contributors to this learning document, a combination of Oxfam staff and partners that graciously shared their ideas, suggestions and practices to help Oxfam learn, adapt and improve.

    Power of Local Action - LHL Learning Compendium
  5. Evaluation

    Accountability through Active Citizenship: Improving Petroleum Governance in Tanzania Final Evaluation

    The end line project evaluation report for the NORAD-funded Accountability through Active Citizenship: Improving Petroleum Governance in Tanzania.

  6. Evaluation

    Accountability through Active Citizenship: Improving Petroleum Governance in Mozambique Final Evaluation

    The end line project evaluation report for the NORAD-funded Accountability through Active Citizenship: Improving Petroleum Governance in Mozambique.

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