
  1. Evaluation

    Decent Work Program Evaluation in the U.S.

    An external evaluation of the evolution and results of Oxfam’s Decent Work Program during its first five years (2009-2014).

  2. Evaluation

    Measuring Resilience: HARITA/R4 Case Study

    This study presents lessons from the design and implementation of monitoring and evaluation methodologies of HARITA/R4 Rural Resilience Initiative.

  3. Evaluation

    Bringing Innovation to Scale

    A synthesis of learning from four projects of the Economic Innovations Incentives Fund.

  4. Evaluation

    Evaluation of Farmer-Led Agricultural Innovation for Resilience 2010-2012

    A report outlining the findings from the external evaluation of the Farmer-Led Agricultural Innovation for Resilience program in Oxfam America's East Asia Region.

  5. Evaluation

    Policy Analysis of Water for Productive Use Among Smallholder Irrigators in Ethiopia

    Analysis and illustrative cases from Oromia and Tigray National Regional States

  6. Evaluation

    Drought Early Warning System Evaluation

    An evaluation of the technology used within the Drought Early Warning System (DEWS) Project in Ethiopia.

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