Mozambique experiences from the First National Congress of Resettled and Affected Communities by the extractive industry
This case study summarizes the experiences of advocacy and mobilization surrounding the First National Congress for Resettled and Affected Communities by Extractive Industries
Oxfam supports the rights of communities to know about oil, gas, and mining projects, and to decide if they want these projects. Oxfam also helps track the revenues paid by companies to governments so that more of that money will be spent fighting poverty. Today Oxfam works to find just solutions to oil, gas, and mining issues in approximately 30 countries. This case study summarizes the experiences of advocacy and mobilization surrounding the First National Congress for Resettled and Affected Communities by Extractive Industries, which took place in Maputo in February 2019 following nearly 10 years of engagement by Oxfam and our allies around community consent and resettlement issues.