Impact updates

  1. Impact update

    Small steps, big plans

    Oxfam partners with women’s groups in Kenya to ensure that the women’s families eat nutritious food and achieve economic security.

  2. Impact update

    In a Dry Land, Health Workers Help Malnourished Neighbors Survive

    Using simple tools for screening the basic nutritional status of their neighbors, trained health workers in Ethiopia ensure food aid goes to the families needing it most.

  3. Impact update

    Harvesting Greens—And A Balanced Ecosystem

    An innovative pilot project in Cambodia enables families to grow vegetables in more climate-resilient ways.

  4. Impact update

    Securing land rights secures a brighter future

    Oxfam partner influences establishment of equitable land policies in Timor-Leste and empowers citizens to fight for their land rights.

  5. Impact update

    Planting the Seeds of Security

    An Oxfam collaboration helps farmers in Nepal learn new techniques to adapt to a harsh climate to feed their families and earn a living.

  6. Impact update

    Solar-powered pump charges water changes in Ethiopian village

    New solar panels, pipes, and tanks deliver water to a town surviving long-term drought.

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