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Impact updates

  1. Impact update

    Una vida diferente | A different life

    Widespread cultural change is slow work: At the highest levels, laws must be in place to safeguard peoples’ rights. On the ground, women and men must re-examine how they think and act. In El Salvador, the next chapter in a battle against gender violence is a broad-based education initiative.

  2. Impact update

    Mechanical advantage

    A new weeding tool for Cambodian rice farmers combined with innovative growing techniques leads to harvests double in size.

    Oxfam America-Impact-March 2011-thumbnail
  3. Impact update

    Sowing seeds of self-reliance in Ethiopia

    With an initial investment from Oxfam, community-owned grain banks allow Ethiopians to feed the World Food Programme.

  4. Impact update

    Now we know

    A collaboration between local citizens’ committees and officials in Peru shows how communities can create lasting change by holding governments accountable.

  5. Impact update

    Exchanging tea for respect

    A savings group in Senegal breeds entrepreneurs and independence on just a few cents a week.

  6. Impact update

    Yellow alert: Taking action to prevent disasters

    Months of community education and preparation saved lives when floods struck El Salvador.

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