Behind the Brands Independent Evaluation on the Implementation of Climate Commitments
This independent evaluation by Climate Focus assesses climate progress for the Behind the Brands companies. The report evaluates action that has been taken in companies’ operations and supply chains to reduce emissions, as well as evidence of capacity building to realize targets – through actions like measurement, reporting and engagement.
Overall, the assessment findings are positive in that they show companies have made considerable progress on climate action over the past four years. Nine of the ten Behind the Brands companies have set science-based emission reduction targets (SBTs) demonstrating serious climate ambition. But while these commitments are commendable, even more crucial is the action taken by companies to realize their goals. Action taken throughout the value chain – such as supplier engagement and setting strong performance standards – is especially important in the food and beverage sector, where the bulk of emissions arise from agricultural commodity production.
Of all categories assessed, criterion 3, on engagement with suppliers, was the weakest and most variable. The lack of comprehensive systems for collecting supplier emission data, and the provision of tools for suppliers, is an obvious shortcoming. Similarly, criterion 6, relating to company deforestation commitments, reveals gaps in the way companies are safeguarding their sourcing processes. If companies are to realize their commitments and work to mitigate climate change, action must involve engagement, intervention, and progress at the farm level.