
Increasing Smallholder Agricultural Productivity Through Improve Farmer Training Centers Project (ISAP) Final Evaluation

The objective of this evaluation report is to document lessons from the ISAP project in Ethiopia.

This is an evaluation of Oxfam America’s Increasing Smallholder Agricultural Productivity through Improved Farmer Training Centers (ISAP) Project. The project has been operating in Ethiopia since January 1, 2014 and this evaluation covers the work undertaken between 2014 and 2016. The project has been implemented in 62 kebeles in four (Oromia, Amhara, Tigray and SNNPRs) National Regional States of Ethiopia in partnership with four local NGOs (HUNDEE, ORDA, SEPDA and REST) and government counterparts including the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (MoANR) with the respective decentralized offices up to kebele level. The project is designed to strengthen Farmer Training Centers (FTCs) based agricultural extension services towards demand driven services for increased productivity and income of smallholder farmers in the project targeted areas. The evaluation used both quantitative and qualitative methods coupled with a desk review of secondary data to measure changes. The results were analyzed across baseline study and end line study results, and substantiated and triangulated. 



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