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Mali Agricultural Study Report - Soil Baseline and Background Research

The Saving for Change program of Oxfam America launched a study to document and summarize prior research on soil fertility and water availability in west Africa and Mali.

The Saving for Change program of Oxfam America launched this study to document and summarize prior research on soil fertility and water availability in west Africa and Mali.  The study sought to determine the current level of soil fertility and water retention in experimental plots in the 20 agricultural pilot villages as well as to establish the current level of soil fertility and water retention in experimental plots in the 20 agricultural pilot villages.  In addition, the study sought to illicit stakeholders (farmers, researchers, NGOs and state agricultural technicians) knowledge on soil fertility status and water availability in agricultural production systems.

Furthermore, a baseline survey was conducted in Koulikoro and Sikasso regions to illicit farmers’ knowledge and practices concerning soil fertility and water availability changes over the past 5, 10, 20 years, the impact on yield, soil variability within a village, size and location of plots according to gender, the vulnerability of households to degrading soils, the speed of land degradation and strategies developed or known to men and women to mitigate soil fertility and water availability depletions.

This is an evaluation of our Saving for Change Program (SfC).



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