
Oxfam Natural Resource Justice Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Oxfam has been working in partnership with communities adversely impacted by the mining, oil, and gas sector for over two decades. Our work takes us to these communities; to regulators and treasury officials in national capitals; to the boardrooms of multinational companies and those financing extractive industry project development, including the international financial institutions; and to those forums where many of the standards and rules governing the sector are made.

Wherever we are, we work alongside and for the benefit of those communities that are impacted by the sector and for those people who, despite the tremendous oil and mineral wealth with which their country is endowed, continue to live in poverty.

This strategic plan will guide Oxfam’s natural resource research, advocacy and influencing, partnerships, and programming work from 2021 to 2025. It will guide our work at the country level, and regionally and globally. We will implement our new strategic plan in over 30 countries in Asia and the Pacific, Africa, Europe, and the Americas, contributing to Oxfam's mission of creating a more just and sustainable world.

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