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Philippines Typhoon: November 2014 - one year on

In the year since Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, Oxfam’s response has reached more than 865,000 people. Following the emergency phase of our work, we are now helping Filipinos with their long-term recovery and rehabilitation.

On Nov. 8, 2013, Typhoon Haiyan (or Yolanda, as it’s known locally) wreaked havoc across much of the central Philippines. More than 5,000 people were killed and four million were forced from their homes.

The disaster delivered a double blow. In the short term, it left more than 14 million people in need of immediate, lifesaving assistance. But it also pushed millions of poor people further into poverty. Rice crops, coconut trees, and fishing boats were wiped out, leaving people struggling to grow food and earn an income.

In response, Oxfam has reached more than 865,000 people with support. Our first priority was to provide lifesaving assistance, such as clean water, toilets, hygiene kits, and cash to buy food and other essentials. We then began helping people to recover the livelihoods that had been destroyed by the disaster. For example, we provided rice seeds for farmers to replant lost crops and chainsaws for clearing fallen trees that obstructed fields. 

One year after the disaster, the emergency phase of our response has finished. We’re now focusing on long-term recovery and rehabilitation. One way we’re addressing the long term is by planning how water and sanitation facilities will be managed on a permanent basis. We’re also looking at how people will be able to earn a living.



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