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  1. Research

    Aid in Limbo

    Why Syrians deserve support to rebuild their lives

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  2. Research

    Linking electrification and productive use

    Access to electricity has been shown to provide myriad benefits, in terms of access to lighting, access to information, improved well-being and increased flexibility over people’s time. Electrification’s impact on people’s incomes, however, is uniquely important: as a means to scale energy access and address poverty. This report by Oxfam considers the evidence looking at the impact of electrification on increased productivity and income.

  3. Research

    Born to be Married

    Addressing early and forced marriage in Nyal, South Sudan

  4. Research

    Foreign Aid 101: A quick and easy guide to understanding US foreign aid

    Foreign aid contributes to global poverty reduction, helps protect basic rights and liberties, and benefits America’s interests – all for less than one percent of the US federal budget.

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  5. Research

    Ten Years Without A Raise

    A simple increase in the federal minimum wage would benefit millions of American workers.

  6. Research

    Examining the Crude Details

    Government audits of oil and gas project costs to maximize revenue collection

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