
  1. Research

    Research backgrounder: Climate change, equity, and stranded assets

    International equity concerns around climate change have focused on the notion of ‘common but differentiated responsibilities’ as a means to ensure that developing countries do not shoulder an undue burden as the global economy is decarbonized.

  2. Research

    The weak link

    The role of local institutions in accountable natural resource management in Peru, Senegal, Ghana and Tanzania

  3. Research

    A sense of place at risk

    Perspectives of residents of coastal Louisiana on nonstructural risk reduction strategies

  4. Research

    A World At Risk: Humanitarian Response At A Crossroads

    A dramatic increase in protracted conflict and displacement combined with an ever-increasing number of natural disasters has resulted in widespread human suffering, loss of dignity, dashed hopes and death.

  5. Research

    Common ground: Securing land rights and safeguarding the earth

    A Global Call to Action on Indigenous and Community Land Rights

  6. Research

    R4 Rural Resilience Initiative

    Quarterly Report | October - December 2015

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