
  1. Research

    R4 Rural Resilience Initiative

    Annual Report | January - December 2014

  2. Research

    Delivery of Adaptation Finance in Uganda: Assessing Institutions at Local Government Levels

    This study examines adaptation finance in Uganda, particluarly looking into the mechanisms and implementation approaches at the sub-national level.

  3. Research

    R4 Rural Resilience Initiative

    Quarterly report | January- March 2015

  4. Research

    To fight corruption, localize aid

    How US foreign assistance can support a locally driven fight against corruption

  5. Research

    Adaptation Finance Accountability Initiative - Zambia Country Report

    Climate change is emerging as one of the biggest threats to Zambia’s economic and social development.

  6. Research

    Speaking Truth to Power: Why energy distribution, more than generation, is Africa's poverty reduction challenge

    Energy is important to reduce poverty, but increasing electricity generation alone will not solve the problem. In this paper, ODI uncovers that most investment in electricity generation in Africa is not geared towards serving the basic energy needs of the poor, but is instead focused on providing power to growing industries and existing consumers.

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