
  1. Research

    The right to decide: Free prior informed consent in Ghana

    This report examines community participation in decisions around mining in Ghana, with a particular focus on the principle of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent both in policy and practice.

  2. Research

    Building the Gulf

    Recommendations for ensuring restoration benefits for communities and the environment report from Oxfam America and The Nature Conservancy

  3. Research

    R4 Rural Resilience Initiative

    Quarterly report | July - September 2014

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  4. Research

    The Indian Ocean tsunami, 10 years on

    The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was a pivotal moment for the humanitarian sector; many lessons were learned and the humanitarian system was strengthened as a result.

  5. Research

    Working poor families in America

    Over 60 million Americans live in working families that struggle to survive on low wages.

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  6. Research

    Going in the right direction? Tracking adaptation finance at the subnational level

    The Adaptation Finance Accountability Initiative (AFAI) project seeks to improve accountability around adaptation finance. It does so by promoting the development and use of tracking tools, to collect evidence of where adaptation funds are going and the ease with which stakeholders can access information on adaptation projects. Both are important aspects of accountability. The aim is to help civil society organisations (CSOs) hold donors and governments to account on adaptation money being spent.

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