
  1. Research

    Local capacity in humanitarian response: Vision or mirage?

    The absence of empowered local participation in emergency response has been recognized by most actors in the humanitarian sector. It has been documented in the evaluations of major responses from the African Great Lakes wars in the ‘90s to the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 – and it will undoubtedly be a key finding when the humanitarian sector reviews its earthquake response in Haiti.

  2. Research

    Horn of Africa Risk Transfer for Adaptation (HARITA) quarterly report: October 2011–December 2011

    Rural resilience series

  3. Research

    Crises in a New World Order: Challenging the humanitarian project

    The growing number of vulnerable people, the rise in disasters, and the failure to put most fragile states on the path to development, will significantly increase needs.

  4. Research

    R4 Rural Resilience Initiative: Partnership for resilient livelihoods in a changing climate

    Oxfam America and the World Food Programme launch a partnership for resilient livelihoods in a changing climate.

  5. Research

    A Dangerous Delay: The cost of late response to early warnings in the 2011 drought in the Horn of Africa

    More than 13 million people are still affected by the crisis in the Horn of Africa. There were clear early warning signs many months in advance, yet there was insufficient response until it was far too late.

  6. Research

    Haiti Progress Report 2011

    Two years after the most powerful earthquake in Haiti in 200 years, Oxfam remains committed to rebuilding with the people of Haiti.

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