
  1. Research

    Reducing vulnerability to HIV before and after disasters

    Tsunami research brief: An exploration of how the tsunami and its aftermath led to an increase in vulnerability to HIV in coastal India.

  2. Research

    Deepening community engagement

    Tsunami research brief: A study of disaster preparedness programs in Sri Lanka that points to the importance of listening carefully to communities.

  3. Research

    Lessons in disaster management

    Tsunami research brief: An examination of the Sri Lankan government's disaster management policies, which contributed to planning and reform.

  4. Research

    Gender justice in disaster response

    Tsunami research brief: An examination of good practices and challenges for aid providers in promoting gender equity in India during and after the tsunami.

  5. Research

    Sheltering people after disasters

    Tsunami research brief: An assessment of shelter conditions in India that led to the release of government funds for repairs.

  6. Research

    Improving livelihoods after disasters

    Tsunami research brief: Studies of paddy agriculture and the coconut fiber industry in Sri Lanka point to ways aid providers can help improve incomes.

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