
  1. Research

    Perceptions of Poverty from the "Poor," Conceptions of Poverty from the "Poor"

    This executive summary presents the broader lessons from the Afghanistan Pilot Project Poverty Assessment (APPPA) and documents a sample of the vast selection of personal understandings of poverty from people living in Afghanistan. By providing these first-hand perspectives, the APPPA aims to contribute to increasingly relevant, effective poverty reduction projects.

  2. Research

    Golden Rules

    Around the world, large-scale metals mining takes an enormous toll on the health of the environment and communities. Gold mining, in particular, is one of the dirtiest industries in the world.

  3. Research

    Falling Short

    The prospects for peace in Afghanistan are being undermined because Western countries are failing to deliver on their promises of aid to the tune of $10 billion and because aid going to the country is used ineffectively, according to this report by Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief (ACBAR), an alliance international aid agencies that includes Oxfam.

  4. Research

    Community Peacebuilding in Afghanistan

    A case for a national strategy

  5. Research

    Oxfam International Third Year Report on the Tsunami Response

    A remarkable amount has been achieved in tsunami-hit countries since the wave smashed its way across the Indian Ocean almost three years ago. The vast amount of money donated by ordinary people around the world has made—and continues to make—a huge difference to the lives of affected communities. Most of the people made homeless in the catastrophe now have a home and are back at work. Three quarters of the way through our tsunami response, we are proud of what we have achieved.

  6. Research

    Climate Alarm

    Disasters increase as climate change bites

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