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  1. Research

    Voters Overwhelmingly Support a People’s Vaccine and Bold Coronavirus Relief for Working Families

    As part of a January 2021 survey, Data for Progress and Oxfam America asked 1,140 likely voters nationally about their attitudes towards coronavirus relief broadly and, more specifically, how vaccines should be distributed and what should or should not be included in any additional coronavirus relief legislation.

    Our results make clear that voters strongly support actions by President Biden and Congress to help people deal with and recover from the coronavirus pandemic, regardless of nationality or wealth. This would be accomplished by, in part, ensuring the coronavirus vaccine is distributed fairly and made available free of charge, requiring pharmaceutical companies giving up their monopoly control over vaccines, and enacting a transformational coronavirus recovery plan that focuses on helping working families rather than protecting profitable corporations.

    Memo Cover Data for Progress
  2. Research

    Best and Worst States to Work in America - 2020

    Each year, the Best States to Work Index ranks the US states on compensation and conditions for workers.

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  3. Research

    Gender-Responsive Budgeting in Ghana: An analysis of GRB implementation and its existing and potential impacts on women small-scale farmers

    Gender-responsive budgeting (GRB), also known as gender budgeting, is an approach to budgeting that takes into account the various needs of a diverse population by using an intersectional gender lens to respond to the different experiences of women, men, and gender-diverse groups. In addition to promoting more equitable budgeting outcomes, GRB requires that the budgeting process itself be inclusive and accessible to all. This study focuses on GRB in Ghana and how it does and could impact women small-scale farmers. The research was conducted by Oxfam, Ghana Trade and Livelihood Coalition (GTLC) and SEND Ghana, and included a literature review, interviews, and focus group discussions. The five areas addressed in this paper are: (1) the gender responsiveness of the budget process in Ghana; (2) systems and structures for GRB implementation; (3) best practices in GRB advocacy, particularly regarding agriculture budgets; (4) women’s engagement in the budget process; and (5) the budget’s responsiveness to the needs of women smallholder farmers. The aim is for these findings to contribute directly to GRB advocacy by NGOs in Ghana, as well as to provide useful insights for relevant government officials in Ghana and other GRB practitioners and advocates in other countries. Thus, this paper concludes with recommendations for the Government of Ghana as well as NGOs and civil society members in Ghana.

  4. Research

    Policy Landscape for the Scaling-Up of Agroforestry in Mali

    Mali does not have a stand-alone, designated national policy or strategy to support and promote agroforestry. This report identifies barriers to agroforestry adoption, acknowledging that policy is one among numerous barriers. While there are policy gaps, Mali already has many policies supportive of agroforestry. However, implementation issues, as well as a disconnect between national policies and local conventions, pose significant challenged to the effectiveness of current and future policy initiatives.

    The report offers recommendations designed to establish a national policy landscape that can scale up agroforestry and agroecological solutions: decentralization must be fully administered; women must be included in natural resource management decision making, and gender analysis should be better integrated into policies across the board; policies governing land titling and registration must be clarified and streamlined, and support for proper administrative management complying with those policies must be prioritized; forestry policies and regulations should be clarified and broadly communicated, and implemented; agricultural programs need to align their financing and priorities with their purported social and environmental objectives; and finally, fiscal and market policies should support agroecological production, and agroforestry solutions should be prioritized within climate adaptation efforts.

    In addition to the Research Backgrounder, a Policy Brief is also available. Please see Downloads.

  5. Research

    Local Humanitarian Leadership in El Salvador

    Since Hurricane Mitch struck in 1998, El Salvador has made significant progress in building local and national humanitarian capacity and leadership. This case study uses an “outcome harvesting” methodology to explore how it happened, and puts forward recommendations for the future.

  6. Research

    Best States to Work During COVID-19

    When COVID-19 shattered the US economy, states across the country responded in wildly different ways. Oxfam assesses and ranks the states in a special edition of our Best States to Work Index.

    The tattered safety net
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