
Resettlement of refugees from Syria

Increased commitments needed from international community in Geneva.

On 9 December 2014 UNHCR will convene a ministerial level pledging conference in Geneva on resettlement and other forms of humanitarian admission for refugees from Syria.

With little sign of the conflict in Syria abating and over 3.2 million refugees registered in neighbouring countries, more than 30 humanitarian, human rights and refugee organisations are calling for the states attending the conference to commit to offer a safe haven to at least 5 per cent of the projected refugee population by the end of 2015. This would equate to 180,000 refugees being relocated from neighboring countries by that date.

This commitment would be a lifeline to those refugees resettled. If coupled with an adequate aid response and increased economic support to Syria’s neighbours, it would also encourage those countries to keep their borders open to ensure those in Syria can flee the conflict, and could contribute to their stability.



Publication date

Publication type

Briefing paper

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