The Coffee Crisis Continues
The new Oxfam report assesses the current state of the coffee crisis and calls on the US government to help coffee farmers take full advantage of improved market conditions.
Though recent improvements in the international price of coffee provide some relief to small-scale coffee farmers and farm workers, the dynamics of the coffee market leave those at the bottom of the supply chain in a constant state of uncertainty. With a seat at the table in the International Coffee Organization and a commitment to further incorporate coffee-related programs into its development agenda, the US government has the opportunity to take a leadership role in addressing the continuing coffee crisis.
This report assesses the current state of the coffee crisis and calls on the US government to empower small-scale farmers and farm workers to take full advantage of the improved market conditions. With greater access to rural finance, technical assistance programs, and participation in international debate, small-scale, family farmers and farm workers will be less vulnerable to the boom and bust cycles of the market.