Hell’s Kitchen chefs serve up some food justice with Oxfam

Oxfam America President Ray Offenheiser and Oxfam Ambassador Minnie Driver enjoy a meal on the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen" with Chef Gordon Ramsey. Photo: FOX

Oxfam America was featured in the latest episode of “Hell’s Kitchen” last night as the “charity of choice.”

On Friday, November 9, 2012,  Gordon Ramsey invited Oxfam America to a taping of Fox's highly rated show, "Hell's Kitchen." Oxfam Ambassador Minnie Driver and Ray Offenheiser represented Gordon's "charity of choice" at a dinner service where contestants face off with a weekly cooking challenge. The Season 12 Charity episode aired last night on Fox with an average viewership of 5 million.

Here’s what comedian and Actor Chris Wylde, who accompanied Minnie and Ray, had to say about the evening:
“Gordon's chefs may work in Hell's Kitchen, but our meal was a little slice of Heaven—and all of this to raise awareness for Oxfam. It was a perfectly cooked meal, and the dessert was complemented with the music of conversation from my table—only occasionally drowned out by Gordon shouting obscenities from the nearby kitchen. Chef Ramsay's demand for excellence may be intense but my taste buds are still screaming, ‘Thank you!’”

Thank you, Chef Ramsey, for inviting us for the great meal and supporting our work to fight hunger and poverty around the world.

Watch the full episode on FOX.com.

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