Here's how you convinced General Mills to act on climate change

An Oxfam volunteer dressed as the Jolly Green Giant calls on General Mills to take action on climate change during a May 2014 stunt in Chicago. Photo: Elena Bazini/Oxfam America

Thanks to consumers like you, the food giant will make important new commitments to help stop climate change from making people hungry.

After more than 230,000 people signed petitions and took action as part of Oxfam’s Behind the Brands campaign, one of the world’s biggest food companies just announced major commitments to address climate change and help fight hunger around the world.

General Mills, the maker of brands like Pillsbury, Cheerios, and Green Giant, is one of the world’s 10 biggest food and beverage companies. Once ranked last among the “big 10” for its climate change policies on Oxfam’s Behind the Brands scorecard, General Mills has now committed to setting targets to reduce emissions, participate in real climate advocacy, and become a true climate leader.

Specifically, General Mills has pledged to:

  1. “Know and show” by disclosing their emissions as well as their suppliers of sugar cane and palm oil.
  2. Set emissions reductions targets by 2015 and put in place stronger safeguards against deforestation.
  3. Advocate by taking a leadership role in addressing climate change with businesses and governments.

Read more about the company’s full commitments here. Oxfam will continue to work with General Mills to make sure they keep their promises in the months ahead.

“Today General Mills has taken a bold step to be an industry leader in addressing the clear and present threat climate change poses to our food system,” said Monique van Zijl, manager of Oxfam’s Behind the Brands campaign. “Rather than stand by silently as increasingly dangerous conditions undermine its business and the food we all eat, General Mills aims to be part of the solution. Political leaders and others in the industry should take note.”

Your power as a consumer has persuaded General Mills to take a bold stand for climate action. Now we need to call on Kellogg, one of General Mills’ main competitors in the industry, to make similar commitments to address climate change. Add your voice to the effort here.

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