Oxfam's Impact in 2022

Women from the village of Gaudi, Nepal, celebrate a good garlic harvest. Photo: Elizabeth Stevens/Oxfam

Here's what you helped us accomplish this year.

Looking back on 2022, many interrelated crises continued to exacerbate inequality around the globe. People we worked with were dealing with droughts and flooding, extreme hunger, inflation, and protracted war in Ukraine. Rather than feeling overwhelmed, these challenges only galvanize us into further action, and thankfully, we are not in this alone. You—our Oxfam supporter community—helped keep us going. The last year proved that together, and alongside local partners, we are capable of making real change.

Here's a snapshot of what you helped make possible.


In 2022, you helped us reach 15.6 million people in more than 80 countries through 994 projects.


We know that our mission to fight inequality to end poverty and injustice isn't going to happen overnight. Changing and rebuilding broken systems takes time, and there are people experiencing crises right now. We join with local partners to share expertise and resources to address poverty and injustice in the immediate and long-term.

Read more about Oxfam's partner-led work.


Oxfam and partners work to influence decision-makers on local, national, and regional levels. Influencing, advocacy, and campaigning are essential to challenge and change unjust policies, practices, behaviors, and social norms This year, 1060 partners supported us with our influencing work mainly influencing key people and organizations.

Read about our care work campaign.