Poor communities lose out on their fair share
82% of wealth created went to the richest 1% while the 3.7 billion people who make up the poorest half of humanity got nothing. Almost half a billion people live on less than $1.90 per day. Worldwide, women consistently earn less than men do. Their participation in the formal labor force is 26% lower than men’s. And the average gender pay gap is 23%.
The systemic discrimination against women and girls is the most pervasive cause and consequence of the power inequality that drives poverty. When women can exercise their rights and gain the knowledge, skills, and information they need, they can become powerful agendas of change. Although men and women have similar needs and ambitions, women do not have the same access to resources that men have. Built into our strategies is an understanding of that grave disparity. It shapes the way we design and evaluate our programs, aiming always to support women’s participation and leadership. Investments made in women and girls pay handsome returns for everyone.