What can kids teach us about sharing the wealth?
Children from around the world demonstrate how to tackle inequality.
Help stop the assault on lifesaving, humanitarian aid
Nelson Mandela said, “Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings.” Whoever you are, you are critical to the global movement for change.
Children from around the world demonstrate how to tackle inequality.
All year long, we reach out to you with news about some of the world’s poorest people and the challenges they confront, whether triggered by disaster or entrenched in the social injustices of day-to-day life. And all year long you respond with compassion for those people and support for the Oxfam programs that help them help themselves. Here are stories about how your generosity is making a difference in countless lives.
In the home where President Trump lived as a young child—now for rent—we invited refugees who escaped conflict and persecution to share their stories, and be heard.
Concerned about the disappearing forest in northern Cambodia, women in a remote village set up and defend a Community Protected Area.
In late June, Oxfam joined with several organizations to sponsor an event in Boston where 125 city officials and advocates from across Massachusetts shared resources about building trust with immigrants in their communities.
In Cambodia, awareness about environment turns fisherman into defender of the river.