The power of people

Nelson Mandela said, “Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings.” Whoever you are, you are critical to the global movement for change.


March like a girl, fight for the rest

Oxfam staff and supporters joined the women around the world in advocating for gender equality at Women's Marches in Boston and Washington, D.C.

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Oxfam's philanthropic vision

Increasingly, philanthropy has become a pre-requisite to creating sustainable change and altering social landscapes. At Oxfam, we know that philanthropy is the critical difference between simply keeping people alive and empowering people to help build better lives for themselves. And by changing lives, together we change the world. Abby Maxman, Oxfam America's CEO, explains our commitment to the people we serve.

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4 ways you made an impact with Oxfam in 2018

The past year has brought innumerable challenges to the ongoing fight against poverty, including wars, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Just as dangerous are emerging isolationism and declining support for international cooperation that undermine the struggle against poverty. But Oxfam is delivering humanitarian aid in emergencies and working closely with our partners in our ongoing programs to fight against the injustices that keep people in poverty. Your help in this work has proven crucial. Here are a few examples of what you made possible.

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