Seven reasons to regift this holiday season

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Shop differently this year to save the environment and your budget. Join the #RegiftRevolution

How many times have you given or received a new gift that just didn’t hit the mark and had to be returned? You’re not alone. In the US alone, we create 15 million metric tons of CO2 emissions from the transportation of returns every year. In order to undo that damage, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, we’d need to plant 19.5 million acres of forest—roughly the area of South Carolina—to capture that same amount of CO2.

This year, let's gift smarter. Just imagine the impact we could have on this planet if we skipped big-box stores and instead, committed to regift, thrift, or shop small. Holiday shopping is already going to be difficult with COVID-19, so why not change it up entirely and regift something that might not work for you but could be perfect for someone else?

Musicians, actors, and influencers such as Alyssa Milano, Aisha Tyler, Best Coast, and Lake Street Dive have taken the step to reduce waste and have agreed to regift some of their most favorite items. You can help them upcycle their favorite goods in support of Oxfam. Visit and pledge to reduce your carbon footprint by regifting this holiday season to participate in the our giveaway.

While regifting sometimes gets a bad rap, it’s the most economical and environmentally way to give. Here are just a few reasons to consider regifting:

It keeps unwanted gifts from ending up in a landfill.

In 2018, the US alone produced 292.4 million tons of waste—that is about equal to the weight of 800 Empire State Buildings. So, think about it. That food processor you’ve barely used and are thinking of throwing out? Consider whether someone else may be able to use it instead.

It reduces plastic waste and production.

Many of the toys we give each year are made from plastic or packaged in plastic. All that production and incineration of plastic adds up. In just 10 years, emissions from the plastic lifecycle could reach 1.34 gigatons per year, more emissions than the amount produced from powering every home in the US for one full year.

It’s a considerate way to cut down on clutter.

Just because the gift was not right for you doesn’t mean it’s not perfect for someone else. You probably have something in your closet right now that’s just collecting dust—a well-intentioned gift you know you’ll never use. Pass it on to someone else who will enjoy it.

It’s economical.

This pandemic has been hard on our wallets, and holiday gift shopping can be a further drain on our funds. Save money by recycling something you own or buying second-hand.

It’s better for your health right now.

With COVID-19 cases spiking around the country, upcycling meaningful gifts is a great way to avoid holiday crowds. Skip the mall and protect your health and the health of your loved ones.

It’s more fun to receive a gift that has a story behind it.

The best gifts are ones with meaning behind them. When you upcycle a funky vintage dress, for instance, you’re passing on a one-of-a-kind wardrobe piece that can’t be purchased just anywhere, and that makes the gift even more special.

It’s an opportunity to do good.

Instead of purchasing a new gift, you can donate to a charity in someone’s honor. This year, your decision to regift can help support Oxfam.

These celebrities and musicians are cutting back on all that waste and are digging through their closets to regift some of their most favorite items. You can help them upcycle and regift their favorite goods. Visit and pledge to reduce your carbon footprint by regifting this holiday season to participate in the drawing.

Join the Regift Revolution by pledging to reduce your carbon footprint by reinvesting your money to help the poorest people on the planet beat poverty.

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