Sudan President Omar al-Bashir is out in transition of power

Lana Haroun photo - Sudan protests
A photo of protester Alaa Salah has come to symbolize these protests and the Sudanese people’s push for change. Credit: Lana Haroun

After months of protests, Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir, is reportedly no longer in power. Al-Bashir has led Sudan for nearly 30 years, which have been marked by widespread instability.

Oxfam’s Country Director in Sudan, El Fateh Osman, said: ‘What happened today in Sudan signifies a new political awakening where ordinary women and men have seen the power of their voice in bringing change. Citizens should seize this opportunity to meaningfully engage with their authorities and play their part in determining their country’s future.

‘The proposed two-year transitional period will be crucial in finding peaceful solutions to resolve the political crisis. Whoever takes over leadership of the country should do everything in their power to prioritize the needs of the people over reigning political interests and prevent the situation from deteriorating further.

Millions in Sudan are extremely vulnerable and rely on humanitarian aid to survive. Since the start of the conflict in Sudan’s western Darfur in 2003, more than 3 million people have been forced to flee their homes and seek shelter in camps and hosting communities. While the security situation has improved in most parts of Darfur, still millions of displaced people need assistance.

Oxfam is calling on all involved to make sure this is a smooth transition that does not lead to further violence or loss of lives. Basic services like water, food and healthcare must not be disrupted anywhere throughout the country, including to rural and displaced people who are especially vulnerable, to avoid catastrophic secondary effects of this political transition.

Osman continued, ‘While we recognize the military’s restraint in containing growing tensions over the last few days, we continue to urge all stakeholders to halt any action targeted against civilians and avoid further loss of innocent lives.’

Oxfam’s Work in Sudan

Since 2003, Oxfam has been working in North, South, and East Darfur with partners and displaced communities to respond to urgent needs like access to clean water, sanitation, nutrition and protection. while also contributing to longer-term solutions like building the capacity of vulnerable women and men to assert their rights, and improve their own lives, and prepare for uncertainties and disasters through agriculture and nutrition programs, Saving for Change community savings groups and more. Learn more.