Where does President Obama rank on inequality?


"We cannot hope to win the fight against poverty without tackling inequality." -Winnie Byanyima, Oxfam Executive Director


The graph above illustrates how often presidents have discussed issues of inequality during their State of the Union speeches. Presidents since 1900 are listed and ranked by their average score based on the frequency with which they used words related to poverty, inequality, and unemployment. Will President Obama rise or fall?

We’ll be tweeting tonight to see how inequality is addressed. Join the conversation by following @OxfamAmerica and the hashtag #InequalityCounts.

Read Oxfam's analysis of State of the Union addresses over the past 100 years on our Politics of Poverty blog.

UPDATE - January 29, 2014: See how President Obama ranks on inequality after his 2014 State of the Union address last night.

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