In response to the House passage of the War Powers Resolution, Oxfam America’s Humanitarian Policy Lead Scott Paul said:


“Every day that passes without a resolution to the conflict is a death sentence for more Yemeni children. With their vote, the House is once again sending a clear message that they are pushing for peace and will no longer put up with the Trump administration’s unconditional support for the Saudi/UAE-led coalition. The death toll is mounting and our country’s hands aren’t clean - just recently, we saw more civilians killed in Yemen as coalition airstrikes and intense fighting hit hospitals. This violence from all sides, and US support for any of it, must end now. The vote brings the issue to President Trump’s desk, where a veto would end any lingering question of where his priorities lie.

“A veto from President Trump would send its own sobering message to Yemeni families caught in the daily hell of war: our administration simply does not care. The people of Yemen and the parties to the conflict are watching closely and the messages US leaders send have the power to save lives. With a veto, they lose faith in the United States and see the end to their suffering a little further out of reach. Congress must act to keep up the pressure, and not let President Trump’s cynical, transactional and heartless brand of politics define America’s role in the world. Now Congress must act to end arms sales to all parties fighting in this brutal conflict.”

Press contact

For more information, contact:

Lauren Hartnett
Manager of Media Relations, Humanitarian
New York, NY
Cell: (203) 247-3920
Email: [email protected]